
Yoga: Practicing Patience

From the start, I was fortunate to gain flexibility and upper body strength early on in my yoga practice. Immediately, I discover a peaceful calm during and after yoga. But I also found certain poses were more challenging than others. Some yoga poses took more time and practice. During the process of learning these poses,  I realized yoga requires patience, persistence and compassion.

Working privately with clients, I focus on physical issues as well as the emotional responses during the sessions.  Due to inexperience, it’s easy to become frustrated and to lose patience. As a private yoga instructor, physical assessment and attention to client’s reaction is essential. I guide my clients, especially those new to yoga, during sessions to their physical needs yet always considering their emotional responses. I remind my private clients, yoga is more than reproducing poses or perfecting a pose; it’s the experiences gained during practice.  When expectations aren’t met, yoga teaches focus, patience and a deeper understanding of oneself. Using my skills as a yoga instructor along with encouragement, kindness and some humor, I redirect my client’s attention incorporating realistic expectations and goals.

Yoga requires concentration and acceptance. I encourage deliberate, graceful movements and awareness of the breath to cultivate mindfulness during yoga practice. Recognizing yoga poses can be challenging, remember patience, compassion and practicing patience  black and white 4